Saturday, April 18, 2015


Today we visited the island of Giorgio across the lagoon from Venice. It has far fewer tourists even though it is a short vaporetto ride. As we were walking I noticed this young lady painting.

(It reminded me of a scene in movies where you see these marvelously talented people painting by the sea.)
This young lady was just that - marvelously talented.


  1. Oh my goodness my friend... just when I think that your last photograph was one of the best I've ever seen, you AMAZE me with one more that takes my breath away. Your intention off-the-beaten-path tourist's eye has gleaned some of the MOST REMARKABLE and BREATHTAKINGLY BEAUTIFUL photos I've ever seen in my life!! I marvel at how God has slowed down your hearts so that you can take a stroll in Italy with Him, capturing breathtaking images along the way! Thanks again, for blessing my days through your candid view of Venice!! Love you!!

    1. Thanks Ang~ I'm having the time of my life taking pictures. It truly is spectacular here.
